Monday, February 26, 2007
Neologisms of the Day:
*telephobia - fear of television channels that broadcast crap that is irrelevant and ludicrous
**ludicrophobia - fear of the irrelevant and ludicrous
sssslllllllooooowwww workers
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Crappy Sandwiches
Ah, the sandwich... simple, convenient, beautiful.
The sandwich is a marvelous thing. Eating a good sandwich can make a person's day. It is gold in the hungry individual’s hand. It's something to look forward to amidst the ennui and tedium of one's everyday life. Contrary to popular belief, a good sandwich is easy to make. A simple combination of deli meat, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, et voilĂ ! Pure bliss! I must emphasize that these are basic ingredients that are readily available to anyone with the income to purchase them.
This then leads me to a most pertinent question: how come there are so many crappy sandwiches out there?? A particular (Turkey Bacon) wrap at a particular (Renaissance) café really got me peeved about this. How come I can make a delicious sandwich at home for mere pennies and nickels, but can't get a decent lunch for FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS at a restaurant? Now, obviously, the answer to this problem and the end of my annoyance is to give up and just make sandwiches at home, since they are always so much tastier (even though I am not a sandwich-builder extraordinaire). This, however, is not the point. The point is that, with such an extravagant price tag, restaurants and cafes should be able to produce edible food. I believe that it's okay to have crappy food as long as it's extra cheap. Similarly, it's okay to have over-priced food as long as it's really tasty. However, over-priced, crappy food is completely unacceptable! Tolerance for this deep injustice (and highway robbery) must stop!!!
Various crappy sandwich places to avoid (spread the news):
- Starbucks
- Turkey Bacon Wrap at Renaissance
- Paninis at Romeo and Juliet AND at Mackenzie cafeteria
- Quesadillas at Nature's Garden (I hear their other food is also unimpressive)
- also, do NOT eat the chicken teriyaki at Koya (ick)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The Little Things
To me, it doesn’t seem like anyone should gloat about getting a higher level character or a powerful rare item since those long hours of gaming to receive a high status would mean nothing in the end when the game becomes obsolete. I don’t mean to offend those who play online video games, since I play too. It is just that it seems like a pointless use of time to play day and night to be one of the best in a game that would one day be over.
Believe me when I say that I understand that this is a very bizarre pet peeve. While others are concerned about disruptions during class or a longer life span, I’m annoyed from a little thing like being called a noob.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
lung cancer? no thanks...i just ate
I really can't stand people that smoke, particularly cigarettes. Sure, I have no authority over those people that do choose to take a puff every now and then, and I don't intend to scold them for intentionally succumbing to lung cancer in the long run but do they have to leave their remnants littered everywhere? Maybe I'm very nit-picky but the sight of the accumulating pile of cigarette butts on the sidewalk near my house is agitating. My pet peeve of smoking is not restricted merely to the blatant disposal of little orange-colored pieces of nicotine, but it also extends to the smell. I experience a slight case of suffocation and nausea when I'm exposed to a cloud of cancer, and I tend to cough uncontrollably for a few minutes. Especially in confined spaces where sufficient ventilation is not available (ie. an elevator - yes, this did actually happen once), I can't say that I'm in my most comfortable state. As an added bonus to the foul odour, didn't some scientist conduct a research and discovered that second-hand smoking is worse than actual smoking? Yes, if you don't mind I'd like to live up to my maximum lifespan (maybe around 90-something if I'm lucky). [Go ahead and drastically shorten your own lifespan but don't take me down with you.]
My reason to detest this socially-accepted action is derived mainly from my childhood. My mother smoked for 15 years up until I was 8 years old and it hurt me to see her wake up nightly at 4AM to cough up a patch of tar. I used to wonder if she would eventually "cough up a lung" at the rate she was going. One day, I confronted her while I balled my eyes out, exclaiming that I wanted her to live to see me get married, and with determination she eventually kicked the dirty habit.
Maybe I can't speak for everyone when I say that cigarettes are the root of all evil. What I can say is that the earth is already in good supply of garbage, cigarettes literally smell like their "butts", and smoking is one of the leading causes of death. Is this a parallel to 'evil'? Who knows...
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Poor Drivers
First, everyone must obey laws, but now a days people love to break laws, I feel very miserable whenever I face them. I always want to say something, but they never pay attention to me. They always ignore me.
In addition, accidents occur due to reckless driving. They cause harm to other drivers and pedestrians. Also, they exceed the posted speed limits in all restricted zones which makes me mad.
Then it's complicated to follow these poor drivers. I can't drive safely when they are around me. They give me a hard time to others. For instance, they don't even care about police. These poor drivers with their poor actions don't take driving seriously. They use driving as fun and entertainment.
Lastly, I get irritated when the poor drivers drive children in their cars without fastening the seat belts. I can't bear parents who allow their children to move back and forth in the car. Sometimes this careless attitude causes harm to both parents' and children's lives.
On the whole, we should concentrate on our driving and try to improve our driving skills. Other drivers should follow the road instructions. These poor drivers are nerve wracking and make me annoyed. My desire is to teach them a good lesson about driving.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Somewhere to sit
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Drunk People
First, these people are always begging for money. However, they look well educated, and they can work for thenselves. They keep on bothering others. For example, when I came from India a few months ago, I was coming from my work one summer day. Then a young, beautiful drunk girl asked me for money, just $1. I was shocked, and she was mad at me when I denied her the money.
Next, drunk people often act in tragic ways. I really get disturbed when I see them without money, but they have money for their drugs. They are people of all ages and both sexes who accustomed to drugs. They keep on wasting their valuable time.
Moreover, these people are a blight who spread a bad smell by vomiting in the streets. They disturb atmosphere with their awkward and disgusting behaviour toward others. For this reason, most of the people including me, don't feel comfortable with their presence, and all of us are afraid of them.
All in all, I am totally against drunk people who stagger and congregate on the streets without doing anything productive. They present a poor role model for youngsters.