Monday, February 12, 2007


So do you remember the times when you're sitting at home watching "So you think you can dance?" and out of no where your phone rings and it's your old friend who has not called you in years? Well, why did she call (in this scenario, it was a girl)? First to tell you that she really missed you, then to tell you she really wanted to hang out with you then she gets to the point, to help her do something. Duh! Did you really think she called because she missed you? Sorry to pop your bubble. Anyways, as a friend you'll say "Yes" because it isn’t a big deal drive her to Metrotown because she is meeting someone very important there. Near the end of the day you receive a "Thank-You so much, I'll give you a call tomorrow. I really appreciate everything you do for me" and then "Bye". So the next morning, though you really do not think she is going to call you back so soon, you would not think that it will be half a year later that she calls you for another favor. Every now and then you will bump into her at parties and not surprisingly you will be welcomed by her fake friendliness. “Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you for ages!! *hug* How have you been? I miss you so much! We have to hang out sometimes.” Is it me or is she extra friendly when her ‘cool’ friends are around? In any case, I DO NOT LIKE FAKE PEOPLE. BE REAL.


M said...

I'm really nice to everyone however I have the worst short term memory on the planet and I'm a huge procrastinator. But I don't call people for favors all the time, either, so.... I don't know. What I'm trying to say (to defend myself) is that sometimes you DO genuinely like someone, but it just so happens that you never call them because your memory failed you or you were momentarily distracted. And then you see them and you're like "oh hey!!! haven't seen you in ages! I miss you!" etc. etc. Fake people only contact you when they need something. I totally hate people like that.

Pau-Lin said...

u know the type of 'fake people' i really despise? the ones that only invite you to their birthday parties so that they can get free selfish is that? (especially when they know your renowned for giving generous gifts)...ugh...they don't even interact with you AT ALL until the week before the party and suddenly you're invited to mingle with people that you're totally incompatible with and your left, essentially, in a corner by yourself...that sounds like great fun eh? lol.

kawal said...

ya,this is very true.People are very smart,and they know very well how to use others.i really hate these stupids.i have many experiences of these types of people.

M said...

kawal you are too cute.