Monday, February 26, 2007

sssslllllllooooowwww workers

Is it just me or are those people who are working at a FAST food restaurant working very SLOW? I get really annoyed at those people. There is a lineup of 20 people waiting to be served and you will see 1-2 workers walking and doing everything is slow motion. It’s like “SOMEONE PRESS THE FAST FORWARD KEY!!” Okay I may be over exaggerating, but there are workers out there that just work way too slow. I mean, aren’t they afraid of losing customers or getting yelled at? I mean, customers are impatient. I know that for a fact because I worked at a food and beverage department and do slow workers every make me mad. I’m not saying that you have to work in a speed of light, but working constantly and to have the resistance to not chat with your buddy would help a lot with the lineup. So, what happen today to remind me of this particular pet peeve? I was at one of SFU’s coffee shop buying a bagel. This time I am not joking but I waited for a good 10 minutes for it to HEAT. Maybe I’m not a professional bagel purchaser but I don’t see why a bagel takes 10 minutes to heat. Then I finally see a worker slowly take the bagel out of the oven that looks brown. Slowly take out the cream cheese, slowly looked for a knife, slowly dipped the knife in the cream cheese, and slowly applied the cream cheese onto the bagel. BOY, did I slowly get frustrated!! As a result, no tips or thank-you from me.

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